Global Trophy Logistics offer fixed prices from our online calculator, from many destinations. No extra costs, and the online calculator lets you calculate the prices, even before travelling on safari.
We offer global services, and we get your trophies safe and fast home, all the way to your doorstep.  


As a hunter, there are many things to deal with when it comes to hunting abroad. We would like to make this as easy as possible for you, by bringing our knowledge together whether it is taxidermy, transport, special rules, permits, customs/taxes and much more. We do this make sure you get the best possible hunting experience.


Calculate your own freight rate. We offers fixed rates from many countries all over the world.


”We are not only shipping agents we are transport/freight consultants.”

Carl has more than 25 years of experince in the shipping industry. Med 25 år i speditionsbranchen har Carl en bred erfaring med de oversøiske markeder. Han kender med andre ord “hele vejen til din hoveddør.”

Carl varetager udviklingen i GTL, agentaftaler, lagerstyring, messeplanlægning, opmåling under CIC og SCI og leverandøraftaler.

Linket til trofæerne kommer naturligt efter et liv som passioneret jæger og lystfisker. Når det ikke er de hjemlige omgivelser, skoven eller vandet der trækker er Carl firmaets måske bedste golfspiller. (konkurrencen er ikke så stor – endnu)


“Our job is not only doing a transport from a to b, we want to guide and give our best advice to the clients throughout their hunting trip.”

Since 2008 Jesper has been in the shipping indusrty. Jesper is handling the deals with customs, airport companies, food administration ect.

In private Jesper has hunting and golf as his two biggest hobbies. Carl taught Jesper to hunt and Jesper taught Carl to play golf. They a both very competitive both in hunting and golf. 


Freight forwarders requirements 1.

“Remember to coordinate a shipping instruction with your freight forwarder”


Freight forwarders requirements 2.

“Inquire a fixed freightrate before you start your hunt”


Freight forwarders requirements 3.

“Choose your taxidermy carefully, use any references you can get”


Freight forwarders requirements 4.

“You are entilted to choose your own taxidermy and freight forwarding agent, despite what you are offered by your outfitter”


Freight forwarders requirements 5.

“Always consider to draw an insurance to cover any loss. It is important to know what the insurance covers, it must be a door to door insurance.


Freight forwarders requirements 6.

“Medbring vandfaste adressemærker til hvert enkelt trofæ – så forbytning undgås”


Freight forwarders requirements 7.

“Is your shipment delayed, it is important that you are pushing, Otherwise there will always be a risk that the process grinds”


Freight forwarders requirements 8.

“The exporter (Taxidermy, outfitter or freight forwarder) which ship DIP & PACK trophies must be approved in Traces in EU. Worst case secanrio will be that the trophies will be rejected at the border/veterinary inspection.”


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